· By Tyler Edge
A Guide to Trying Cannabis-Infused Drinks
With cannabis products becoming more and more legally available around the world, it’s hardly surprising that they are growing in popularity so much too. One of the most diverse branches of cannabis products out there right now is cannabis-infused drinks, and there are so many of these that you are definitely going to be able to find some that suit your tastes, needs and desires.
In this guide, we are going to take you through everything you need to know about trying cannabis-infused drinks - what they are, how they work and what you can expect from them, as well as what to expect if you are coming to them for the first time. With this sort of thing, it is always best to be fully prepared if you are going to make the most of them, and keep safe.
So let’s take a look at trying cannabis-infused drinks and what you may want to bear in mind here.
What Are Cannabis-Infused Drinks?
As the name suggests, these are simply drinks which have some cannabis infused in them. And as such, they are generally going to have some degree of psychoactive effect, although the degree of this effect does differ from one product to another, and is relevant to how much you consume, what your own personal history with cannabis is like, and a variety of other factors besides. In general, however, these drinks are going to bring about various kinds of highs and other experiences that you would expect from cannabis products.
These drinks do not have a long history, because it has not long been possible to make marijuana and other cannabis products drinkable. While some of the previous attempts were certainly cannabis drinks of a sort, very often they were not very palatable, or they were simply too strong, and of course there were all sorts of legal ramifications - some of which are in place still in some parts of the world, but there are also certainly countries and regions where it is loosening up a little.
In any case, with the new strains of cannabis infused drinks coming out, it seems as though they are going to prove very popular, and it might be pretty easy to see why that might be the case. But before you try it yourself, you should make sure that you know what you’re actually getting into, and what to expect as much as possible.
The Effects Of Cannabis-Infused Drinks
As you would expect, if you drink a cannabis-infused beverage, you can expect to experience many of the effects of cannabis itself. This includes what you would expect to experience from marijuana, so it may be that you already have some sense of what those effects might be. If you don’t however, or you need a refresher, let’s take a look now at some of the effects that you might be able to have from trying a cannabis-infused drink.
The effects vary widely between people, because everyone responds to cannabis in slightly different ways. However, that is not to say that there aren’t some similarities, as of course there are, and you can expect certain qualities of the experience to be there for most people most of the time.
Most users will feel a sense of being high, which could range anything from a slightly extra coloring of perception all the way up to profound euphoria, depending on your personal history, psychophysiology, and of course dosage and potency of the drink itself. Alongside this feeling, there may be any number of bodily changes, such as a tightness around the eyes or head, a swelling feeling in the chest, and a comfortable kind of numbness for many.
At lower doses, you might simply feel very slightly altered, as if you had had a small alcoholic drink, although with somewhat different effects. If you were to drink a lot, however, it’s likely that you would have a much more profound change to your perception, cognition and emotional experience of the drink.
What’s certain is that drinking a cannabis-infused drink is going to alter your experience in some kind of way, whether that happens very slowly or suddenly, and to a greater or lesser extent. So you should be ready for that to happen if you are going to try one of these drinks.
Are There Any Risks?
As with more or less anything you can consume, there are of course always going to be some risks, and you need to really make sure that you are aware of such risks if you want to drink these beverages safely and ensure that you are taking proper care of yourself. With that in mind, you might want to be aware of some of the major risks that you are likely to come across, even if the chances of them happening for any one individual are relatively low. It’s still something that could happen, and you need to make sure you are aware of the possibility for yourself.
Many of the risks are associated with high dosage use, and the risks also increase with higher dosage as well. So if you drink more, you are always going to be exposing yourself to more and more risk. What kinds of risks are they? Well, one of the common ones to be aware of in particular is that the average cannabis-infused drink contains around 100 mg of THC. Given that the average edible contains only a tenth of that quantity of THC, this is clearly a lot, so you need to be aware of that going into the experience.
You may not be familiar with what kinds of effects this level of THC might have on you. So if you are unprepared for it, that might make it a riskier experience. For some, there might be experiences of paranoia and fear, as well as delusions. You might also find yourself having an emotional experience that you were not quite prepared for.
Drinking Cannabis-Infused Drinks For The First Time
That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care as you are drinking these kinds of drinks, however. Of course you should, and especially when it’s your first time you should make sure that you are going to be as prepared as possible for the experience before you get into it, otherwise you are going to struggle to really make the most of it and to enjoy it as much as you could.
So what are some of the things you might want to bear in mind when it comes to drinking cannabis-infused drinks for the first time? One thing to consider is that you need to get both the set and setting right. This refers to the situation you find yourself in as you take the drug, as well as the psychological place you find yourself in too. Both of these ideally need to be in a strong, stable and calm manner if you are going to enjoy the experience as much as possible and if it is going to have the best effects for you, so that is something you should definitely consider here.
Also, it’s wise to gradually up your dose, rather than trying to simply go in the deep end. That way, you can gradually get used to the drink, and its effects, and increase your experience of it as you go. That is a much better approach that is going to help ensure that you are much more likely to deal with it well and to enjoy the experience for what it is.
If you can remember those simple things, you should be able to enjoy trying cannabis-infused drinks for the first time.